FreedM Studio, Roundhouse / Rich Mix Studio Two, London

Directed by Gillian Foley and David Lockwood
Photography by Tony Rizzo
First shown on 10-11 August, 2009, as part of the Camden Fringe Festiveal at Roundhouse FreedM Studio, London.
Rich Mix Studio Two, London. February, 2010.
On the Cusp was a solo performance conceived, written and performed by Adi Lerer.
It is a fantastical journey of the performer discovering how she perceives the one she is in conflict with. As an Israeli and a new British citizen, the show reveals aspects of her background and current state. It explores her persistent longing and need to meet her female counterpart, and what she represents; investigating personal and collective fears and hopes.
The design started with a simple scenographic idea: an object that could be manipulated by the performer throughout the performance to respond to the narrative. The design process and the performance evolved in parallel, with the ‘object’ playing an active role in shaping the story, the character, and the physical performance. The final design was a structure made of double layered fabric, crinoline and spandex netting, suspended on a pulley system with four ropes, which suggested at different times a basket of oranges, a boat, a dress, a shelter, as well as more emotional and psychological aspects of the piece.